(a) Personal Story on Core Values

Firat Aytas
4 min readJan 12, 2021

Let me start with a simple note: this is a very personal piece.
This is not directly about how we perceive others, how we connect with them or why we need certain conditions in our lives.
This will go a level deeper, about my personal core beliefs being tested by the universe, eventually, and how I choose to deal with it.

Photo by Max Wolfs on Unsplash

Never in my life, I was the patient one.
The stubbornness and fast pace is embodied with my existence starting from early ages. I wanted things to happen, people to understand instantly, interactions to catalyze fast, effective and rinsed clean from unnecessary window dressing.

This affected my whole educational preferences.
This affected my relationships with my family, friends, peers.
This affected my professional life.

Sometimes in a right way, sometimes in a wrong way. But in the end, my core beliefs towards how a person should live his/her life took its shape.

I studied robotics engineering since it was the least drama infused bachelors degree around.
I admired processes and automation, where you can control and mathematically model everything.
Then I took a realization that the real world runs on money. I caught a sharp turn to Finance.
I modelled…



Firat Aytas

Financial Advisor with an attitude. Writes about Psychology, Finance, Corporate Life, and Personal Perceptions, which creates different realities